Apply for funding
On November 1, 2024, United Way of Greater Stark County will open its application process for April 2025 - March 2028 funding. Letters of intent will be due November 22, 2024.
United Way will seek applications for programs that align with its secondary investment priority targeting families with young children who live in the areas of Stark and Carroll Counties with the highest levels of childhood poverty. The goal of this priority is to improve the household stability of parents/caregivers of young children by providing economic support. Programs using the follow strategies will be considered:
- Food Assistance
- Health Care
- Homeless/Domestic Violence Shelter
- Legal Support
- Other Material Goods (clothing, diapers, hygiene, etc.)
- Rent/Utility Assistance*
- Safety (trauma support/crisis intervention)
- Transportation
*Funding for rent/utility assistance will be capped to ensure a continuum of services. Any rent/utility programs must join the Emergency Assistance Collaborative.
Funding will be determined through a competitive process conducted by its volunteer-citizen panels. For more information about our investment priorities, eligibility, timeline, and application software, please register for one of the webinars listed below.
To be eligible to apply for funding, organizations must be incorporated as a non-profit organization by the state of Ohio and have tax-status under IRS code 501(c)3.* They must have served Stark and/or Carroll County residents for at least two years.
Applicants must also meet our Organization Requirements. Consideration will be given to tax-exempt private agencies and government entities that align directly with United Way Investment Priorities. Please contact us to request consideration before creating an application.
Funds may be used to support personnel, program materials, staff training, space rental or other facility costs, program evaluation or other resources. Funds cannot be used for capital expenses or other-than-nominal participant incentives.
Information sessions are optional and virtual. Registration is required, and capacity is limited. Recordings will be available for those unable to attend.
11/4/2024: 12:00 PM Virtual grant application webinar.
Watch the recording HERE
Use passcode: LOI2024!
11/1/2024: Letter of Intent available online | Link to online application can be found HERE
11/22/2024: DEADLINE - Letter of Intent due
12/13/2024: Eligible programs will be invited to submit Request for Proposal
1/3/2025: Request for Proposal opens
1/30/2025: DEADLINE - Request for Proposal due
3/31/2025: Notification - Programs notified of application outcome and funding award

Investment Priority Summary
Household Stability Summary
Application software link
Access our application software. Please bookmark this link. Our organization code is 37091F Click Here
Organization Requirements
Step One - Letter of Intent:
The application for funding process begins with the Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI is designed as a preparation and screening tool and is open to all organizations incorporated as a non-profit organization by the state of Ohio who have tax- status under IRS code 501(c) 3. Programs must serve Stark and/or Carroll County Ohio residents. In addition to a concise program description, the LOI should convey how the program aligns with the UWGSC investment priority, what community need is addressed by the program and how UWGSC funds will be used to operate the program.
Letters of Intent will be evaluated by a council of volunteer-citizen reviewers (Community Impact Council). Their recommendations are forwarded to the volunteer leadership of United Way. These volunteer leaders make final recommendations for programs to be invited to continue in the application process by submitting a full Request for Proposal.
Agency Review:
New agencies – those not funded within the last two years – who are invited to the RFP may be subject to an Agency Review. The Agency Review process is a biennial assessment of the health and stability of an agency. The agencies required will complete this process in mid-December. Volunteers with expertise in finance or administration review pertinent agency documentation and conduct interviews with applicants in mid-January.
Step Two - Request for Proposal:
The Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by invitation to organizations that succeed in the LOI process. The RFP provides detailed content including the program’s use of best practices/evidence-based models, goals and objectives, operations, partner roles, and budget.
Proposal evaluations are conducted by volunteer-citizen reviewers (Community Impact Council) using a standardized rubric. If additional clarification is needed, applicants may be asked to provide a brief virtual presentation to reviewers. Reviewers’ recommendations are forwarded to the volunteer leadership for consideration. These volunteer leaders make funding recommendations to the Board of Directors which makes all final funding determinations.
PRIMARY PRIORITY (Strong Start for Children)
United Way’s Primary Priority: To prevent or lessen the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences during early childhood among those who live under the federal poverty level.
No applications for our primary priority will be accepted during this application process. Three-year funding awards were announced in April 2024. Funded strategies included early childhood education and home visiting, parent/caregiver skills training, mentor and after-school programs with a social emotional component, and violence prevention programs.
Available funding for all programs is contingent upon our annual fundraising campaign.
To give to United Way of Greater Stark County’s annual campaign, please visit our webpage. Together, we can create a community where all children realize their full potential.

Candid offers FREE live and on-demand training. Candid's programs cover best practices in fundraising, as well as the hard and soft skills required to be an effective advocate and leader of your organization or cause. Listen, hear, or read advice from funders and nonprofit experts. Candid provides information and guidance to support confident decision making and excellence in social sector operations. Visit Candid Learning's website
Stark Library - Grant Tools
Stark Library offers FREE support to individuals and organizations, and access to an online grants data source. If you represent a non-profit organization, you can find the funders to help you make a difference! Easily search for opportunities to win more grants. Visit Stark Library's website
2023 Stark County Community Assessment - Indicators of Health, Social, and Economic Conditions
The community assessment is an analysis of data related to the needs of our community. Included topics are Health, Families, Households, & Neighborhoods, Economics and Environmental. This publication is a collaboration between Stark Community Foundation, United Way of Greater Stark County and the Center for Community Solutions. Review the publication
ACES by national expert Judge Michael Howard
ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. They are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood. Together, childhood poverty and ACEs are linked to worse outcomes in nearly every aspect of life from physical, mental and behavioral health to educational attainment to job opportunities and success, as well as reduced quality of life and lifelong earning potential. Please note you will be required to enter a passcode to watch the presentation. The passcode is: B=30%k4V Watch the presentation