United Way of Greater Stark County announces 2018-20 program funding allocations

(Stark County, Ohio) March 29, 2018 – United Way of Greater Stark County’s Board of Directors voted to approve investments into 68 health and human service programs that address UWGSC’s impact areas of Health, Education and Financial Stability. That number includes one collaboration and one direct service initiative. Program funding allocated countywide for the first year of the 2-year cycle is budgeted at $3,719,368. Visit the webpage www.uwstark.org/allocations to view a comprehensive listing of approved county-wide funding allocations.

The funding application process began last August and UWGSC’s Impact Councils began reviewing the funding requests in October. Comprised of 52 community volunteers, leaders and issue experts – the Impact Councils reviewed proposals and recommended funding based on the how closely the program aligned with the BOLD GOALS while producing measurable outcomes. The BOLD GOALS include making sustainable progress toward 100% graduation rate; 100% students being kindergarten ready; ensuring 70% of Stark County residents will spend no more than 30% of their income on housing; increasing the number of Stark County residents who are reporting they are healthy; reducing infant mortality rates; and reducing opiate substance abuse.

“The Education Impact Council is how I started out volunteering with United Way. It was a really great experience,” explains Chuck Ducey. “The funds allocation process, let me assure you, is an unbelievably rigorous process. We believe very strongly that hitting those two Education goals would have a very big impact on the community.”

Impact Council volunteers and UWGSC staff met with community partners to discuss the applications and gain clarity about the metrics being used to report outcomes. The process allows agencies and organizations the opportunity to see how all of the funded programs align with UWGSC’s work toward the BOLD GOALS. A list of current Impact Council members is available at www.uwstark.org/impact-council-members.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to our Impact Council volunteers,” says Maria Heege, UWGSC President and CEO. The allocation process is daunting, and these volunteers contributed over 1,300 hours assuring that our organization is a responsible steward of the funds we receive. We couldn’t do it without them.”

“Part of the stewardship commitment is reflected in UWGSC’s low operating overhead of 14%. “We want to make sure that if someone has a passion – whatever that passion is – we make sure that for every dollar they give, 86¢ is going to the fund that passion, it’s going to provide that service.” said Bill Cook, Board Chairman. “The dedication of our volunteers helps us make that happen, and we’re grateful for their contribution.”

In addition to the annual allocation funding, United Way invests additional money for programs and services. In the 2018-2019 fiscal year, $6,118,901 will be invested: $3,719,368 is budgeted for program allocations. In addition, $213,996 is budgeted for Strategic Initiatives along with $1,865,537 for Direct Services/Community Impact such as United Way’s 2-1-1 Information & Referral help line and United Way’s Volunteer Resource Center. $320,000 in donor-designated pledges Will be distributed to Stark County 501(c)(3) health and human service organizations and other United Ways.

Donations are still being accepted for the annual campaign, which will officially close at the end of UWGSC’s fiscal year on March 31st. Contact the Finance Department at (330) 491-9968 or donate online by visiting www.uwstark.org, then click on GIVE.

For more information about United Way of Greater Stark County’s Bold Goals or allocation funding process, contact Vice President of Community Resources Connie Allton at 330-491-9987 or [email protected].

About United Way of Greater Stark County

United Way of Greater Stark County fights for the Health, Education and Financial Stability of every person in every community. The agency collaborates, convenes, and partners to support programs and initiatives that break the cycle of poverty, promote a healthy community where children are successful from kindergarten through graduation to a career, and where families have the tools, skills, and support they need to become financially independent. We win by living United. For more information about United Way of Greater Stark County visit www.uwstark.org. Headquarters are at 401 Market Avenue North, Suite 300, Canton, Ohio 44702. (330) 491-0445.
